Anaesthesia training courses with Specialist Anaethetists

Anaesthesia Essentials Online Training.


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Meet your instructors.

We’re Garth and Jon-Marc, your instructors for Anaesthesia Essentials Online Training courses. We’ve been where you are, and we know firsthand the challenges and rewards of this field. This course isn’t just about passing exams; it’s about equipping you with the knowledge and skills to become a highly skilled anaesthetist who provides quality care for your patients. 

Join us on this journey, and let’s transform your potential into expertise together!

Course 1

Anaesthesia Essentials for the learning anaesthetist

We understand what it's like to be a learning anaesthetist in resource limited settings with variable support doing your best to provide quality care, sometimes in stressful life and death situations. This is a comprehensive course on the basics of safe anaesthesia practice. Recognising that in our context this includes managing acute emergencies and complications of anaesthesia and surgery. Delivered in an accessible, relatable, practical manner.

30 lessons | 30 CPD Points | 30 hours

Anaesthesia Essentials is designed for medical professionals and trainees who want to excel in the practice of anaesthesia. Whether you're a student or an experienced healthcare provider seeking to enhance your anaesthetic skills, this course is tailored to meet your needs.
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Course 2

Informed Consent for healthcare workers

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss with a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law the legal and ethical principles guiding healthcare workers on how to take informed consent from their patients.

Ethics | 3 CPD Points | 2hr 45min

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss with a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law the legal and ethical principles guiding healthcare workers on how to take informed consent from their patients.
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Course 3

Informed Consent for Jehovah's Witnesses

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss the ethical principles and complexities in managing patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses. A lawyer specialising in medico-legal law then further clarifies the legal aspects of this situation and advises steps to take in complex scenarios involving Jehovah's Witness patients.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 45min

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss the ethical principles and complexities in managing patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses. A lawyer specialising in medico-legal law then further clarifies the legal aspects of this situation and advises steps to take in complex scenarios involving Jehovah's Witness patients.
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Course 4

POPI for Healthcare Workers

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on what the POPI Act means in the context of medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector and state sector in South Africa.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on what the POPI Act means in the context of medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector and state sector in South Africa.
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Course 5

Financial Consent for Healthcare Workers

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on taking financial consent for medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on taking financial consent for medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector.
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Course 6

Obstetric Essentials for the learning anaesthetist

Obstetric anaesthesia in resource limited settings is provided by doctors with varying anaesthetic experience despite it being a challenging field where emergencies regularly present. In this series we present six video tutorials on providing safe obstetric anaesthesia and managing common emergency scenarios. It covers the essentials for the learning anaesthetist and is an excellent refresher for anyone providing obstetric anaesthetic care.

6 lessons | 5 CPD Points | 5 hours

Obstetric Essentials is aimed at any healthcare worker providing obstetric anaesthesia. We cover the basics of obstetric anaesthetic techniques as well as common obstetric emergencies.
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Course 7

NHI for Healthcare Workers

In this video we interview a medical law expert who has her finger on the pulse of all that happening with the NHI bill. You will be struck to the complexities and challenges that lie ahead as this topic is debated by a specialist doctor and the legal expert, Elsabe Klinck.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 2hr 00min

In this video we interview a medical law expert who has her finger on the pulse of all that happening with the NHI bill. You will be struck to the complexities and challenges that lie ahead as this topic is debated by a specialist doctor and the legal expert, Elsabe Klinck.
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Course 8

Advanced Directives for Healthcare Workers

Learn about the ethical and legal considerations around medical advance directives in this interview between a specialist anaesthetist and an expert in medical law from Klinck Samuels Lawfirm.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

Learn about the ethical and legal considerations around medical advance directives in this interview between a specialist anaesthetist and an expert in medical law from Klinck Samuels Lawfirm.
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