Online courses with Specialist Anaesthetists

anaesthesia training online


A comprehensive foundation for the anaesthetic trainee.

Anaesthesia can be stressful, especially in the early years and in resource limited settings. We want to pass on the lessons we learnt during our training years, to help you when help is far away, and to make the journey easier for you and safer for your patients.

  • Anaesthetic teaching by South African trained anaesthetic specialists.
  • We understand the pressures on South African trainee doctors.
  • We understand the resource limited setting.
  • We are accessible for feedback and questions.
  • Anaesthesia Essentials for the learning anaesthetist is accredited for 30 CPD points.
  • 30+ hours of on demand content.
  • Teaching you the lessons we wish we knew earlier.
  • Anaesthetic academic theory kept to a minimum.
  • Emphasis on practical approach to common anaesthetic scenarios in our context.
  • Delivered in a relatable tutorial format.

Why Our Courses

Content relevant to the South African context taught to you by specialist anaesthetists who have been where you are now.
We want to help you provide safe and simple anaesthesia, for you as the service provider, and for the benefit of your patients.

many Modules covering the following:

Physiology and pharmacology basics, airway management, obstetrics, anaesthetic emergencies, pain, and much more!

Presented in an easy to watch video format

Videos include graphics to simplify difficult concepts and slides with key points and take home messages.

Access Content on Demand, Anytime and anywhere

You can access content on demand, anytime and anywhere! Watch whenever it is convenient for you.

Best of all; you will be awarded HPCSA accredited CPD points if you watch our courses. No questionnaires or assessments!

Try it today and access content within minutes


Anaesthesia Essentials Demo: Cardiovascular Basics & GA for Caesarean Section

Discover what Anaesthesia Essentials has to offer with this FREE demo course! Get a sneak peek into our comprehensive curriculum by exploring two sample sections: "Cardiovascular Basics" and "General Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section." Experience a glimpse of the in-depth and practical insights our main course provides. Start your learning journey today.

2 lessons | 2 CPD Points | 2 hours

Dive into our FREE demo course featuring sections on "Cardiovascular Basics" and "General Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section." Get a glimpse of the comprehensive learning and practical insights awaiting you in our main course. Start exploring now!
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Course 1

Anaesthesia Essentials for the learning anaesthetist

We understand what it's like to be a learning anaesthetist in resource limited settings with variable support doing your best to provide quality care, sometimes in stressful life and death situations. This is a comprehensive course on the basics of safe anaesthesia practice. Recognising that in our context this includes managing acute emergencies and complications of anaesthesia and surgery. Delivered in an accessible, relatable, practical manner.

30 lessons | 30 CPD Points | 30 hours

Anaesthesia Essentials is designed for medical professionals and trainees who want to excel in the practice of anaesthesia. Whether you're a student or an experienced healthcare provider seeking to enhance your anaesthetic skills, this course is tailored to meet your needs.
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Course 2

Obstetric Essentials for the learning anaesthetist

Obstetric anaesthesia in resource limited settings is provided by doctors with varying anaesthetic experience despite it being a challenging field where emergencies regularly present. In this series we present six video tutorials on providing safe obstetric anaesthesia and managing common emergency scenarios. It covers the essentials for the learning anaesthetist and is an excellent refresher for anyone providing obstetric anaesthetic care.

6 lessons | 5 CPD Points | 5 hours

Obstetric Essentials is aimed at any healthcare worker providing obstetric anaesthesia. We cover the basics of obstetric anaesthetic techniques as well as common obstetric emergencies.
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Course 3

Informed Consent for healthcare workers

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss with a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law the legal and ethical principles guiding healthcare workers on how to take informed consent from their patients.

Ethics | 3 CPD Points | 2hr 45min

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss with a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law the legal and ethical principles guiding healthcare workers on how to take informed consent from their patients.
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Course 4

Informed Consent for Jehovah's Witnesses

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss the ethical principles and complexities in managing patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses. A lawyer specialising in medico-legal law then further clarifies the legal aspects of this situation and advises steps to take in complex scenarios involving Jehovah's Witness patients.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 45min

In this course two specialist anaesthetists discuss the ethical principles and complexities in managing patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses. A lawyer specialising in medico-legal law then further clarifies the legal aspects of this situation and advises steps to take in complex scenarios involving Jehovah's Witness patients.
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Course 5

POPI for Healthcare Workers

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on what the POPI Act means in the context of medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector and state sector in South Africa.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on what the POPI Act means in the context of medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector and state sector in South Africa.
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Course 6

Financial Consent for Healthcare Workers

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on taking financial consent for medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

In this course a specialist anaesthetist interviews a lawyer specialising in medico-legal law on taking financial consent for medical care. This course is a must watch for all healthcare workers working in the private sector.
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Course 7

NHI for Healthcare Workers

In this video we interview a medical law expert who has her finger on the pulse of all that happening with the NHI bill. You will be struck to the complexities and challenges that lie ahead as this topic is debated by a specialist doctor and the legal expert, Elsabe Klinck.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 2hr 00min

In this video we interview a medical law expert who has her finger on the pulse of all that happening with the NHI bill. You will be struck to the complexities and challenges that lie ahead as this topic is debated by a specialist doctor and the legal expert, Elsabe Klinck.
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Course 8

Advanced Directives for Healthcare Workers

Learn about the ethical and legal considerations around medical advance directives in this interview between a specialist anaesthetist and an expert in medical law from Klinck Samuels Lawfirm.

Ethics | 2 CPD Points | 1hr 30min

Learn about the ethical and legal considerations around medical advance directives in this interview between a specialist anaesthetist and an expert in medical law from Klinck Samuels Lawfirm.
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Looking for focused learning?

We've broken up our flagship course into bite-sized sections! Explore our 1-hour mini courses on key anaesthesia topics below.

Please note, if you've bought the Anaesthesia Essentials course, you do not need to purchase these

Anaesthesia Essentials: Pre-operative Assessment

This tutorial covers tips on how to establish rapport with your patients, and how to perform a systematic pre-operative assessment including history taking, examination, and the basics of special investigations.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Airway assessment and preparation

This tutorial covers how to perform a systematic airway assessment and how to prepare your routine airway equipment in theatre.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Airway management

This tutorial covers the clinical techniques of mask ventilation, supraglottic airway use and endotracheal intubation. It also includes the Vortex Model, front of neck airway, airway assessment and much more.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Cardiovascular basics

This tutorial covers cardiovascular physiology in a simple, easy to understand and applicable format. It also covers the basics of common pathophysicological cardiovascular states, and the effects of anaesthesia on the cardiovascular system.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Shock

This tutorial gives an overview of the different patterns of shock, and simple pathophysiological explanations of each pattern to assist with diagnosis and management.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Emergency drugs

This tutorial covers the emergency drugs that we feel are essential to have prepared in your theatre during the provision of any anaesthetic.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Fluid management

This tutorial covers the basics of fluid pharmacology and will assist you in diagnosing and treating fluid deficits in various clinical settings.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Bleeding

This tutorial covers the basic physiology of blood and will assist you in assessing and treating blood loss, including the use of blood component therapy.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Spinal anaesthesia

This tutorial covers the basic anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of spinal anaesthesia as well as the technical skills and equipment required.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Intravenous induction agents

This tutorial will give you the framework and practical's on how to use intravenous induction agents safely in stable and unstable patients.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Ventilation and Ventilation complications

This tutorial focuses on the basics physiology and practicalities of ventilation in theatre as well as how to manage common ventilation complications in theatre.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Volatile Anaesthetics

This tutorial will help you learn how to use volatile anaesthetics safely.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Safe use of muscle relaxants

This tutorial will help you understand the basic physiology of the neuromuscular junction and the basic pharmacology of the muscle relaxants, and will provide you with a practical approach to using some of the most important muscle relaxing drugs.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Analgesia

This tutorial will equip you with a basic pharmacology understanding of the drugs needed to provide multi-modal analgesia to your patient's peri-operatively.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Accidental Awareness under GA

This tutorial will help you understand how accidental awareness can occur, how to reduce the chances of accidental awareness, and how to manage a case of accidental awareness under general anaesthesia.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Managing emergence from anaesthesia

This tutorial will equip you with a practical understanding of the risks and challenges at emergence from anaesthesia, and will go through a practical step by step approach for managing “low risk” and “at risk” extubations as per the Difficult Airway Society.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Preparing for the obstetric call

This tutorial offers a practical approach to navigating an obstetric call and being prepared for obstetric emergencies.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Obstetric Spinal anaesthesia

In this tutorial we give a step by step approach to the technical aspects of obstetric spinal anaesthesia, with some helpful tips to improve your technique.

Anaesthesia Essentials: GA for caesarean section

In this tutorial we provide an evidence-based approach to obstetric general anaesthesia from the pre-operative assessment, to airway management, prevention of accidental awareness under anaesthesia, analgesia and recovery.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Acute instability during caesarean section

In this tutorial we cover common causes of acute instability at the various stages of obstetric surgery or anaesthesia and a practical guide to diagnosing and managing these scenarios.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Obstetric emergencies

In this tutorial we present a simple, safe approach to managing common obstetric emergencies, including antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage, foetal distress and more.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Hypertension in pregnancy

In this tutorial we present a comprehensive guide to managing the big topic of pregnancy induced hypertension, aimed at the level of the training anaesthetist.

Anaesthesia Essentials: Anaphylaxis

In this tutorial we cover the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of the varying grades of anaphylaxis, from a practical view point.

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